My name is Ayara Ndifreke Sylvester A man of IMPACT and TRANSFORMATION I am called to preach the FULL GOSPEL for IMPACT & TRANSFORMATION So my assignment entails: * Preaching *Motivating *Training *Mentoring and Coaching
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This is NOT David Wood! Not affiliated with David Wood. Please don't ask for David Wood here. Only archiving debates and selected commentaries from David Wood for those hard to access his videos. Reach david here:
Quotes, texts and anything which can inspire and promote the deconditioning of the mind... Occasionally I throw in some of my photography. Connect anytime: @SidAhimsa
The aim of these channel is to teach you to progress in every day life. To learn each day a new skill, to find something that can help you to become a better person through mastering and adopting a new concept of thinking and acting
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Inspirational and motivational quotes channel for self improvement of students and learners. Daily qoutes at 3:30am.Email:
Welcome to everyone stay strong in the Bible We have a christian chat, join to enjoy friendship with other people Feedback: @Mardocheo
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Simply JOIN this channel if you want to change your life for good. We seriously have some good stuff that will help you out in your life. The quality of your thinking determines The quality of your life. Admin》 @Unlimitedlifebot
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